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In a 4-part series, Mark Bower presents a useful chapter-by-chapter summary of Everything Is Miscellaneous. Thanks, Mark!

Parts 1 2 3 4

His recommendation:

A good read on the whole.  Does a good job of summarizing the information management trends on the web today.  If you are an information architect or consultant working in the field of knowledge management then I would say you should have a copy on your bookshelf.

3 Responses to “Mark Bower’s summary”

  1. on 05 Jul 2007 at 2:10 amMark Bower

    Thanks David. Glad you’re OK with me posting my notes :)

  2. on 05 Jul 2007 at 9:43 amDavid Weinberger

    Mark, I’m glad you’ did it! The book has been criticized by more than a few for being too “miscellaneous,” while I consider it to be rather carefully organized; I worked on the outline for 1.5 yrs. So, I apparently didn’t surface its inner logic sufficiently. Your notes help with that.

    And in case anyone is wondering, here’s the overall plan.

    A preface that is supposed to be enticing.

    Four chapters that explain the importance and nature of traditional organizational schemes, starting with the simplest and moving to the most complex.

    A “hinge” chapter that introduces the new principles.

    Four chapters, each on one of the new nature of authority and knowledge that emerge from those principles.

    A final chapter, and a coda.

  3. on 14 Jul 2007 at 3:06 amMark Bower

    Well, your chapter titles are kinda cryptic, which may have confused some people, but I for one enjoyed trying to figure out where each was leading as i read each chapter.

    I don’t know if you have finished all your book promo work already, but if by any chance you are planning coming over to the UK this year let me know. There are lots of people at Microsoft here in the UK who would be interested in hearing you speak.