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GalaxyZoo is a mechanical Turk site that uses the “If everyone classifies just one galaxy…” approach. So far, they have a million done. (Thanks to Timo Hannay for the link.) [Tags: timo_hannay mechanical_turk astronomy science ]

4 Responses to “Social classification of the universe”

  1. on 14 Jul 2007 at 7:57 amTobias Kowatsch

    Have a look at There is a web experiment regarding to folksonomies and collaborative tagging systems.

    Maybe it is of interest for you.

    Tobias Kowatsch

  2. on 14 Jul 2007 at 11:16 pmMichael Becker

    Your posts are showing up as code… are you entering HTML into a Rich Text Editor by accident, or is it just my computer displaying it funny?

  3. on 19 Jul 2007 at 12:21 amTerry man

    checkout the new Ford book – – Ford and the American Dream by Clifton Lambreth

  4. on 21 Jul 2007 at 7:49 amJohn Skinner

    This and the previous posts look broken to me too (Safari 2.0.4 on Mac OS 10.4.10)