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Turning to the bloggers

When I read something like today’s news that only 10% of American newspaper editors consider foreign news to be “very essential” to their coverage, I instinctively turn to the bloggers who I know will have something enlightening, thoughtful and sometimes profound to say. And that by itself says a lot about how news is changing.

Of course, I did read that particular news in a newspaper, although I was referred there by a blog aggregator. So, I’m not saying that professional news media are unnecessary or add nothing. Not at all. But the news ecology in just a few years has become 100% mixed.


2 Responses to “Turning to the bloggers”

  1. on 25 Aug 2008 at 10:18 pmRyan Ward

    I think that part of the allure of turning to the bloggers lies within their ability to speak their minds more openly than traditional sources as well as how much more quickly they can be updated. I find myself doing the same thing.

  2. on 05 Dec 2008 at 7:58 pmJodi Suguitan

    Blogging has definitely come into its own. Just recently in the Atlanta area a city elected a new official who never ran a traditional campaign. He simply blogged and won.