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Thanks to prompting from the ever-more-amazing Sunlight Foundation, the US Congress’ site will provide legislative documents with permanent URLs. That means you can link to them and have some confidence that the links will work tomorrow, which means discussion can more easily more forward. Unique IDs accrete meaning.

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One Response to “Permanent links for legislative documents”

  1. on 19 Oct 2008 at 9:42 amHarald Groven

    Strange that the US has been lagging more than 10 years behind in making the corpus of laws and regulations available with URLs that encourage linking.

    My country, Norway, has published the database of all laws, regulations and Supreme court rulings on an official website run by the faculty of law at UiO. The URLs have been persistent since May 1995. All official legal documents have always been exempt from Copyright limitations, and has been available free of charge.